Connect with others to form a community to help one another survive the Changing Times and unlock the secrets of "Universal Tides."

Monday, April 03, 2023

A New Start

 Hello, Folks!

My previous websites,, and,, are now inactive, although, still there somewhere in the metaverse. It's a brand new start, with a brand new website. I hope you'll find everything you need at:

If you have any questions, or you'd like to share your experiences using any of the 12 Golden Keys, you can email me at: mjmauthor at gmail dot com.

Blessings to you in this, our new world that is opening up to us. Use the key, open the door to Soul...


A New Start

 Hello, Folks!

My previous websites,, and,, are now inactive, although, still there somewhere in the metaverse. It's a brand new start, with a brand new website. I hope you'll find everything you need at:

If you have any questions, or you'd like to share your experiences using any of the 12 Golden Keys, you can email me at: mjmauthor at gmail dot com.

Blessings to you in this, our new world that is opening up to us. Use the key, open the door to Soul...


Friday, April 06, 2018

Life is a Bowl of Cherries...

But watch out for the pits. Sometimes "the pits" make life worth it. Obstacles, although a nuisance, make us stronger. The more we want something, the more our passion for life steps in. Being passionate about your life is the only way to live it fully. And time is running out! Figure out what makes you happy, and do it. Really quite simple. It's not complicated. Simple is what simple does.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


Why write a sequel to "Universal Tides"? Because the universe wants me to go further into the New Earth, that which is now upon us. We're shifting in leaps and bounds, together, the entire universal frequency is moving at a higher speed. And it's forcing all of us to cleanup our seedbeds---that which we have sown and need to recapitulate. I know you know what you need to do. Writing the sequel (or rather, translating it into this realm) might take six months, it might take longer but it is coming and it's full of surprises. Stay tuned for more news as it progresses.

Live to Live,

M. J. Milne

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hung Up in the Illusion?


I hope you've passed through a creative winter and are now ready to have fun in the springtime and into the summer. I've been busy sketching out a sequel to "Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blues." It's going well, but slowly. It takes time for the Living Energy to download into my Earth brain, or so it seems, but then, the forces might not be ready to go public yet. 

My guides tell me great things are on the horizon, but also many changes, and much chaos. Not hard to guess that change and chaos are rampant. After all, it's all part of being here on planet Earth and doing what we've come here to do. If you know your purpose for being here, you're half way there, my friend. It also means you're not hung up on the illusion we call the 'social consciousness' in this, the physical realm.

So look alive, things will happen to you this year that will amaze you! Adventures await! But first, to go on an adventure, you've got to grab your walking staff and walk out your door!

Do you remember the opening quote on the first page of my novel? And also that my book says: the tides of change are upon us. So here's the first quote:

'All humanity on this planet, regardless of colour, creed, race, sex, or nationality is one family. All human beings are brothers. They're all one being. Every human being is on this planet to learn.  No one is here for a free ride. Everyone chose to come here, to wear a human life form in order to learn something he knew he needed to learn. Unfortunately, people sometimes forget they're simply "wearing" their bodies. They get hung up in the illusion they call the real world.' - Ruth Montgomery, Strangers Among Us

Live to Live,

M. J. Milne

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Will the World End?

Obviously the world hasn't ended. We're still here. Nevertheless, I had an interesting conversation the night before 12:21:12 with the husband of a co-worker who asked me point blank, “So, is the world going to end, and if not on December 21, 2012, then when?” To give you an inkling into who he is, this fellow is a friendly Italian who likes to hunt moose, but when he actually shot one he hated it and will never do it again, he said.

In reply to his question and our previous conversation, I spoke nonstop for ten minutes and have no recollection of what I said—Spirit was unusually verbose and speaking through me this evening. From the look on his face and the fact his mouth dropped open, what I said must have been pretty interesting. It wasn’t negative. It was positive, something about . . .

A major consciousness shift has indeed happened already but not necessarily because of some great galactic event, but because there’s a tipping point of thought-energy. Speaking socially / politically, we’re tired of being taken advantage of by Big Banks and Big Government that we (supposedly) elect. We’re tired of pretending that we don’t know what’s going on when each and every one of us knows what “they” are doing and who "they" are, that the medical system feeds Big Pharma who is corrupt and greedy, that Monsanto is selling our brave farmers 'suicide seeds,' and feeding us GMO poisoned food, that Big Oil is strangling us and killing the planet, etc. We know all that because we are already becoming consciously connected to Source/Spirit, and most of the population is waking up together, en masse, realizing we are Conscious Souls living in multiverses of non-physical reality. The "event" is about moving us past a social consciousness and into a universal consciousness.

Okay, thanks, I just wrote out most of what I said, consciously remembering. There was more, but that’s the jist of it. So the media will contrive an “event” of sorts, and I think it’s important for us to do a contemplation to keep balanced, if only because most of North America will be waiting with baited breath for “something” to happen, and a good portion of the rest of the world, too.

No matter what your belief paradigm, I'm certain we can agree on bringing more LOVE onto our tiny planet EARTH. Contemplate by singing HU and on giving loving energy to the whole, while envisioning the Earth surrounded by the field of a glowing light energy in the shape of a HEART. Indeed, the world is still here and will continue to be. Life is too short to worry about it anymore. Do the best you can in helping others and in helping Mother Earth survive humans. End of story, folks!

To listen to what HU sounds like, go here:

Love is you,
M.J. xoxo
© M.J. Milne 2012
[HU artwork by Eva] [Updated April 2018]

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Who Are You Becoming?

The energy flow enveloping the planet is very intense so it's good to know that I am not alone in the resulting symptoms. I know I'm getting older, but there's more to it than physical age; it is definitely an energy shift, feelings of fatigue, and displacement of motivation, in other words, tired of trying to get on with the business of getting on. And yes, there are electromagnetic and man-made environmental influences that contribute to our general unwell issues. However. . .

Our depression and fatigue has a lot to do with coming into alignment with what we are supposed to be doing individually, not only as a community. To first know your community you must get to know your new self—that which you know you are becoming. Some of us are becoming healers or seers, some are playing with the new energy to figure out how to utilize the amazing attributes. It is real. It is here. Discover who you are to be, and are already, and your symptoms will dissolve. Healings are commencing now. It is the uncertainty that is the unwellness and accepting uncertainty is the first step. Uncertainty is the new adventure.

Much love,
M.J. :O)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Wise Womyn Elders and the
Rise of the Feminine Principle

By M. J. Milne

There are over 100-million menopausal womyn on the planet. That’s the population of a small country! In fact, it’s the population of Mexico. What does this mean in the big picture? The word ‘menopause’ means ‘change’ and yes, our world is changing.

It means for the first time in the history of our planet, there are 100-million Wise Womyn Elders whose purpose, whether realized or not, are here to assist en masse in the rise of the feminine-Yin* energies and the shift of our planetary consciousness. This is not by accident; it is ordained.

It also means that as we age and bring in the Goddess/Feminine energies the world is changing from aggressiveness to a heart-based energy---from fear to love.

We are being inundated with fear in the last decades of the aggressive-Yang* domination, a suppressive era. Now the flip side of the same coin, the Yin, is steadily taking its place as the major influence. No matter how much they refuse to change, there’s nothing anyone set in the Yang-based consciousness can do about it because it’s based on the shift of our planetary consciousness.

I believe that most of us---meaning Souls incarnated into a physical body---have not lived to this ripe old age before. Our Elder years are totally new to us. Most of us died in our thirties from such things as rampant plagues (e.g., the Black Plague that swept through Europe in the mid-14th century), all kinds of wars both ancient and present day, earthquakes and ice ages, invading barbarian tribes, bad hygiene practices throughout the Middle Ages, and a million other things that can cause death of the physical body.

So is it any wonder that we the over-sixty crowd are now wondering what we’re supposed to be doing?

The media keeps telling us how we should handle old age, what we should be doing, how we should be planning for retirement, asking us to give over our money so so-and-so-company can help us grow old gracefully, and other such retirement makeovers. There’s no graceful way to age gracefully! You just do it and hope for the best! No amount of planning and preparation will stop the flow and ebb of karmic change and chaos in our lives.

So how do we live gracefully? --- It’s easy to answer that question: Everything comes back to living your life with gratitude and unconditional love.

As you grow older, and hopefully wiser, we are growing closer together with one another. This is because of the rising Yin energies that without even trying are nurturing and loving. We over-sixties are in this together and we can, and are, helping one another. In my book “12 Golden Keys for a New World” I write about helping one another help others. Meaning, help one another. That’s the simplicity of growing older and wiser. We are learning at an accelerated pace that we’re in this together and we’re meant to help each other thrive, not only Elders, but young people too. Young people are banding together. Unfortunately, the media calls them ‘gangs’ giving them negative connotations, but they are actually meant to be similar to ‘pods’ assisting one another as a pod of dolphins swimming in unison.

We are in this ocean of love and mercy together. Start swimming in unison.

Copyright © 2012 M. J. Milne

[*Footnote: In Asian philosophy, the concept of yin yang (yīnyáng) describes how seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world. Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding; the intuitive, receptive, nurturing side of ourselves; and is associated with the moon and femininity. Yang, by contrast, is fast, hard, solid, and aggressive; the action-oriented, forceful side of ourselves; and is associated with fire, the sun, and masculinity.]

Artwork by Georgia Lambert, 'Chalice Well Deva'

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Have you ever come across old writings from your youth?

As legend has it, the science fiction book "Universal Tides: Barbed Wire Blue" (Utides) was written in 1975-1976 and then locked away in a blue metal trunk or chest for 25-years. The magic metal chest, as I now call it because of the many secrets inside, was stored in my parent’s basement and never touched. This chest has only been opened twice since the late 1970s. True story!

In the year 2000 I opened the chest and discovered the partly hand-written and typed manuscript of Utides, and then set about re-writing it. Also in 2000, I found a handwritten manuscript of an immature and badly written novel entitled "The Sable Gypsy" which I rewrote into an interesting screenplay (Romance-Thriller). The story is set on the island of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy, France. I wrote it shortly after returning from there in 1974.

On August 23, 2011 I opened the chest for the second time in thirty-five years. Opening the chest, I discovered my old writings: several journals, two children's books, and other writings; plus pen & pencil drawings; not too mention, love poems by an old boyfriend written circa late-1960s.

What fun to rediscover these creative endeavours again! After all, I was in my mid-20s when they were created. There was even a small blue travel journal from 1974 when I spent six months driving throughout Europe with a friend. It was then in 1974 in Athens, Greece that the blue metal trunk first came into my possession. After six months on the road, I sold my 1968 Volkswagen Variant to a Greek couple. And in return the woman gave me her blue trunk to put all my travel paraphernalia in and ship home. She was American from California and had fallen in love with a Greek man. When she left California for the last time to live in Athens with him, she shipped over her belongings in the blue chest. In fact, it still has her name and the Athens address on it.

Unfortunately, now I have to permanently empty the blue chest because of rust and its old smelly condition. Years ago I had lined it with asbestos board, making it airtight, and now everything in it is well-preserved, as new as the day I closed the lid in the late '70s. A few days ago I emptied the contents into two cardboard boxes, wondering if the papers will now start to deteriorate.

Having to sadly dispose of it, I asked a friend to take some photographs of me next to this special blue chest. Silly, I suppose, but I wanted to remember the occasion because of all the memories it kept safe for so many years. Including a Kewpie-doll that my dad had given mom on one of their first dates over 70-years ago. Kewpies or Cupies are dolls that resemble a chubby child with a tummy that sticks out, tiny blue wings, and a single strand of blonde hair. Dad won it at a carnival.

So what do I do with all these writings?

One day I’ll sift through them to see if a story sparks my interest like “Barbed Wire Blues” did and, then, begin the editing process: reviewing, upgrading, rewriting, all the while attempting to keep that first magical impulse and the underlying storyline.

So if you come across old writings from your youth, don’t discard them. When reading them you may appreciate how brilliant you thought you were way back then because you probably were!

[Copyright M. J. Milne 2011;;]